Did This Woman's Brazilian Butt Lift Implants Explode??
Woman's butt implants explode while doing squats.
Brazilian butt lifts botched.
Did this woman's booty go boom boom ?
did her butt implants really explode?
Find out on Hoaxfactor!
According to an article posted on various social media sites a woman in Boston ended up in a coma after her butt implants exploded!
Who needs to work all day making car insurance quotes when stuff like this gets posted online!
27 year old Serena Beuford was working out at Planet Fitness with a friend. The friend decided to record Beuford doing squats so she could post the video to instagram when all of a sudden she heard a loud “pop.”
This caused Beuford to fall to the ground all while screaming in pain.
According to another witness at the gym:
“I heard a loud popping noise followed by the woman falling to the floor. She was screaming ‘my a** is gone!!!’ I had no idea what she was talking about until I saw her cushion like butt missing when EMS took her out the gym.”
#1 Can you really buy butt implants?
#2 Can implants explode?
#3 Who holds the record for the biggest booty?
#1 #1 Can you really buy butt implants?
Yes, you apparently can.
According to the website plasticsurgery.com
There are apparently a couple of options. One involves what they call a Brazilian Butt lift, where the doctor takes fat from one part of the body and injects it into your butt.
If a patient doesn't have enough fat stores in other areas of the body, then implants may be used.
The implants are made of a solid silicone gel.
The doctor makes an incision in the crease of the buttocks and inserts the implant within the gluteal muscles.
Its a procedure that lasts about 2 hours and you should be back to work within 7 days.
#2 Can implants explode?
This story immediately reminded me of Gregg Valentino, a body builder who holds the Guinesss book of records as the man with the biggest biceps.
His biceps topped out at 28 inches in circumference. That's almost 3 feet around.
However, He is also known as the man who's arms exploded and the most hated man in bodybuilding.
Gregg didn't achieve such notoriety and fame by just working out. He began to inject steroids into his arms.
His mistake was reusing needles and not sterilizing them.
This caused an infection and the arm blew up like a giant balloon sized zit filled with puss.
Gregg attempted to drain his swollen arm of the puss and this wise decision led him to he ER which resulted
reducing the size of his bicep and causing permanent disfigurement.
So knowing that it was possible for body parts to just explode...opened me up to the possibility that butt implant could explode.
But, according to The Kaplan Center because the implants are made of a solid silicone gel, unlike breast implants that are saline or gel filled, they will not rupture or leak .
But there are some risks that can occur like bleeding, or nerve and muscle damage. The implants can also shift, which would adversely affect the appearance of the butt, making it look asymmetrical or lopsided.
In this case the woman's implant actually flipped completely over.
Even though there is a relatively low possibility of death during surgeries, its less than 2% in the US, it still happens, especially in cases like that of 28 year old Suyima Torres of Miami.
The mother of two, went in for a budget butt enhancement (paid $2,300) at an unlicensed facility and died within hours of leaving .
#3 Who holds the record for the biggest booty?
That distinction goes to 39 year old Mikel Ruffinelli of Los Angeles, California.
At only 5ft 4 inches tall, her backside is 8 feet long. That's as long as....well 8 feet.
What can you fit within 8 feet?
Well funny enough, I actually googled “things that measure 8 feet long” and lo and behold, look what I came up with.
So its true that you can buy butt implants, but they won't explode. Its virtually impossible due to the material they are made of.
Even if it were saline, it would just end up absorbing back into the body.
I'm going to chalk this one up as a hoax.
Doing a more extensive search regarding the origin of the article leads me back to one of those pesky sites that tend to make stories up...no not that one...but more like this one.
If you fell for this one, don't feel so bad. Because so did supposedly reputable news outlets like local television station in San Antonio (WOIA)and websites like Uproxx and Cosmopolitan.
I bet Frank feels stupid tho'.
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