About Us
Big Ass Tube
Is a video blog dedicated to showcasing the best urban videos from Eye Candy Models, Strippers, Adult Entertainers, Nude Models, Twerkers and Porn Stars. We also feature music videos, that feature the best eye candy models and strippers. We also host the Big Booty News Blog, a blog about big booty and how it relates to culture in America and around the world. If you wish to become a contributor to our blog, email the site admin at the email address shown below.
Starting October 2017 we will update daily and unlike other video blogs that limit exposure to a select few models, dancers and artists, we will feature any video that features dymes, but mostly dymes with big asses, thus the name the BIGASSTUBE.
If you want your video featured, please register and then use the suggest a video link located at the top of the site. Please note that we DO NOT host files on our server that were not created by us or licensed to us, so your video should be available on YOUTUBE or VIMEO in order for us to embed it on the BIGASSTUBE.
If you are looking for our DMCA policy, you can find it here.